Mark's Christmas:
Wednesday 23:
This morning I started to do my homework
.After I do some homework , I play with my sister.Inthe evening , I went to my chess club and I play chess with my friends.
Thursday 24:
In the morning , I wet shopping foor the christmas dinner and for the christmas presents.In the evening I went to my grandparent's house to eat the typical dinner and to "cagar el tio" of christmas.

Friday 25:
I pass all the day in my grandparent's house with all my family. Of course my paren't give me some presents(a microscope, a pyjama , some underpants , The Hormiguero game and the sims game for pc and a table game called Rumikub.
In the evening I went for a walk.

Saturday 26 :
In the morning I did some of homework .In the evening I went to my grandparent's house and I play some table games.
Sunday 27
In the morning I did some homework and in the evening I went to the cinema and I saw Welcome to Zombieland.

Monday 28:
I visited the father of my father , but my uncle brokes his arm and we went to the hospital for all the day.
Tuesday 29:
I did homework all the day and I play computer games for 1 hour.
Wednesday 30:
In the morning I went to Omar's house for doing math's homework.In the evening I went to my chess club for eat a typycal candy in Christmas called "turró".

Thursday 31:
I did some homework in the morning and in the evening I went to my grandparent's house for eat the typycal dinner of new year and to celebrat it.After we eat the 12 grapes , I went to Alamús with my uncle and my aunt, and we dance a lot until 4 am.

Friday 1:
I had a lie-in and I got up at 14:00.I was playing play station all the day.I play Ratchet and Clank and Guitar Hero.
Saturday 2:
I stay at a Friends house for all the day:After we had the lunch , we went to saw Atletic Segre vs Alcampell.They lose 2-7.Then we returned to our friiends house and we saw Barça-Villareal While we were having the dinner.

Sunday 3:
In the morning I did some homework and in the evening I went with my uncle and my aunt for a walk.
Monday 4:
In the morning I went for a walk and I did some homework and in the evening I played basketball withmy friends.
Tuesday 5:
This day I went to Naxo's house in the morning to actualise the blogspot and for playing a little bit.Then , I returned my house and I have the lunch.After I have the lunch , Natxo arrives , and we played to Play Station.After we play , we went to the the Epiphany parade and we took a lot of candies.

Wednesday 6:
This day I went to Portaine to saw some snow.After we do a snow battle with my family , we went to Pobleta de Bellveí to have lunch in a delicious restaurant called Casa Arturo.Then , We went to Balaguer to saw my cousins and at 9 o'clock, we returned home.

Natxo's Christmas:
Wednesday 23:
At wednesday 23 i play with my brother and i do a little of homework because it was the first day. We play games at home like PES, ans some games in the net. Next in the evening we saw TV
Thursday 24:
I went to my grandparents home in a small village in Tarragona. I play football with my cousin and at the evening i went to my grandmother house.
Friday 25:
This day is Christmas day we are all the family in my grandmothers house. We "vam cagar el tió" and we eat lunch and tell some jokes. We see TV and at the night we were until 3 a.m.
Saturday 26:
This day My parents, my brother and I we were at my cousin house. We play football, we play some computyer games and we go for a woalk at the cousins village.
Sunday 27:
This day I stayed at my grandmothers home. We waked up very late because we going to sleep very late. I play with my brother. At the evening we're going to the cinema to see "Cuento de Navidad" the film who the teacher it recommending.
Monday 28:
This day I stayed in Barcelona we were all the day visiting the most importants things of ythe city and I went to visit the family who were in Barcelona.
Tuesday 29:
This day I stayed in Lleida with my parents and my brother I play some games a and i do homework.
Wednesday 30:
This day I going to my cousin village i read a book and do homeork. I pplay with my cousin and my brother. Finally at the evening I wen to my grandmothers village.
Thursday 31:
This day is the last day of the 2009 year I stayed at my cousin house I played football and I do homework. At the evening I went to my grandmother house to do the last dinner of the year. We are all the family at the house and we eat the 12 grapes.
Friday 1:
This is new Year we woke up late I see the New Year concert and we eat the New Year's lunch with all the family. At the evening i play games with my brother and I do a little of homework.
Saturday 2:
This day I went to my cousin village. I play football and at the evening I bring my cousin to pass some days.
Sunday 3:
This day I went to visit the most important monument in Lleida with my cousin because he is from Tarragona. Next we do homework and I play with some games.
Monday 4:
This day we do homework, I read the Spanish book and the English book. I play at the computer and at the evening I play football in my club with my cousin. Finally at night we saw a little the TV.